5Admissions and fees
Initially we encourage parents to contact us and make an appointment to come along with your child to view the preschool. You will be shown around and we can answer any questions you may have. You will be given our enrolment forms. If you could please fill these out and get back to us as soon as possible we will endeavour to have your chosen days available. We request that children attend no fewer than two sessions per week.
When the preschool has to create a waiting list due to demand, children will be offered a place with priority on soonest starting date. If a place becomes available the child applying with the soonest start date will be offered this place, in the case of more than one child with the same start date then priority will be given to the child whose application forms were handed in first.
Consideration is given to children with special needs. The earliest a child can start is when they are 2 years old. Nappy changing facilities are available, but we do request that
parents provide changing items such as nappies, wipes etc.
There will be no refunds for absences or illness, however if you are planning a holiday and give the pre-school 4 weeks notice you will only be invoiced for 50% of your normal fees for that period.
This also applies to funded children whose normal hours exceed the funded 15 hours.
If your child is ill or has any contagious rashes or skin conditions, please do not bring him/her to preschool. The child will not only feel miserable, but illnesses spread very quickly through preschool and it is not fair on the other children.
On the first session of each month you will receive a monthly invoice showing the months fees that need to be paid by the second week of each month. The cost per session is currently £5.25 per hour
for 2 year olds and £5.05 for 3-4 year olds (after funded hours)
There is an additional cost of 75p per day to help for the cost of snack.
If invoices are not paid on time an additional 5% will be charged. If it is not paid by the 20th of the month, £10 will be added and if invoices are overdue by more than 30
days then the child's place at preschool will be lost.
Preschool requires one month's written notice to be given to the Manager and/or Treasurer before withdrawing a child from pre-school.
All children have their first session free of charge.
We are registered to provide 15 hour Funding to all 3-4 year olds, beginning the term after their 3rd Birthday. We also have places for funded 2 year olds and 30 hour funded 3-4 year olds
please follow the link below for more details or speak to a member of staff.