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Communication Champions

We are now Communication Champions for our area.  We are promoting the improvement of speech, language and communicating skills.


Dani is our trained Communications Champion, and has passed on her skills to the rest of the staff.


We use Welcomm as an early assessment tool and we use this to assess the children on a regular basis.


We also hold Communication Cafes throughout the year, where parents/carers can come along and learn strategies to help their children. 


What The Communication Champion does: 


"A Communication Champion is the link practitioner for colleagues within the setting with regards to speech, language and communication.  I am passionate about the  importance of children's communication and language, I recognise how communication is a fundamental lifelong skill for learning.


In my role, I ensure parents/carers are aware of any local support or information, I support colleagues in their knowledge and give relevant information.


As Communication Champion, I develop activities and strategies to enhance children's communication and language in the setting.  I also give information on children with speech and language difficulties and refer them to SALT (speech and language therapy)."


Danielle Gilbert


Please contact us for any further information.


Diary Dates!

We are fundraising at the Marham Funday on Sunday 9th June, and at Families Day on the RAF Base on Saturday 28th July.  Please come and see us if you are there.


Our annual trip this year is to Banham Zoo on Friday 28th June so we will not be open that day.

Sports day is on Wednesday 10th July.

 We still have spaces available,so please Contact us for more information. 

***30 Hour Funding***

For more infomation or to see if you are eligible please visit the childcare choices website by following the link below

Childcare Choices

Our toddler group is having a break until further notice.  If you have any interest in the group, please get in touch.

Please help us to keep the setting safe.


We understand children all have mild colds at this time of year, but if they have more severe symptoms, please keep them off.  If they have had sickness or diarrhoea, they must stay off for 48 hours after the last episode.

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Marham Village Pre-school Play with a purpose