Our committee makes the main decisions in the running of the preschool. This is chaired by Mrs Annette Hardy and consists of our Secretary Donna Ryan, along with other professionals and parents who are passionate about making our pre-school a success.
Should you have any ideas, suggestions or complaints we welcome you to voice them to any of the committee members. The list of current committee members is below.
The pre-school committee aim to meet every term to discuss the running of the pre-school, although in practice they meet more often. These meetings are usually to discuss fundraising issues and plans
for the future of the pre-school.
The current committee members are as follows:
Chairperson: Mrs Annette Hardy
Treasurer: Colin
Secretary: Donna Ryan
Members: Stevie White, Colin Chapman
The main aim of the committee is to maintain the smooth running of the pre-school, to communicate with the staff and make any major decisions about the pre-school.
If you have any questions you would like to put to the committee, or if you would like to join, then please speak to a member of the committee.