Spaces available NOW
Spaces available NOW

Please click on the link below to find a copy of our latest OFSTED Report.

Ofsted Report Oct 2017



Welcome back everyone!  We have spaces for 2 - 4 year olds, please contact us for more information or to come and have a look round the setting.

 This term runs from November 5th till December 20th.  Please note that we are closed on 22nd November due to the school's inset day.

***30 Hour Funding***

For more infomation or to see if you are eligible please visit the childcare choices website by following the link below

Childcare Choices

Our toddler group is having a break until further notice.  If you have any interest in the group, please get in touch.

Please help us to keep the setting safe.


We understand children all have mild colds at this time of year, but if they have more severe symptoms, please keep them off.  If they have had sickness or diarrhoea, they must stay off for 48 hours after the last episode.

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Marham Village Pre-school Play with a purpose