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50th Anniversary Celebrations

On Sunday 10th September 2023 we had our 50th Anniversary Celebrations.  It was a very hot day and we had bouncy castles, games, stalls, food and fun.  We had people coming from far and wide, lots of guests had links with the preschool from many years ago.  We had a great time! Photos are by Michael Fysh (Lynn News/YLP photographer)

Summer 2023

We go outside every day whatever the weather but when it's nice, we spend most of our time out there.  The children love the sand pit, the crates and planks and the other outddor equipment.  We have had visits this year from Norfolk Owls, Norfolk Animal Experience and two of Harriet's lambs.  The children love to see and hold the animals and birds.

Leavers' Party 2022

Remembrance Day 2022

Platinum Jubilee

Our Platinum Jubilee Celebrations on 27th May 2022.  In the morning we had a colour run arranged by the school which the children loved, then back for our Jubilee party!  We had games and a lovely lunch, all the children dressed up as royals or in red white and blue.  The children were all given a special preschool/jubilee mug and teddy.

Lambs at Preschool!

Harriet brought 2 lambs in today, Black Beauty and Chicken! The children and the lambs all had a wonderful time!  28th April 2022

Owl visit

We had a visit from Norfolk Owls on 30th March 2022.  Thank you so much to Richard for bringing the owls and telling the children all about them.

Fun outside 2021/2022

Our fabulous outside transformation 2019 with thanks to all our staff and parents for all their fundraising efforts and with help from TESCO bags of help scheme, Swaffham Lions and RAF Marham Charities Committee. THANK YOU.

Marham Friends Tea Party 11th September 2019. The pre-school joined the seniors of Marham village at a garden tea party. We hade an excited walk back to the preschool with all the children chatting away about the day and they couldn't wait to tell their parents. They all loved the party bags, cake and balloons too. It was lovely to see all the different age groups getting on so well together. 

We had lots of fun on Halloween

45 Years of Marham Village Pre-school!

We had a great turnout for our celebration.  Mrs Joan Smart who has been our President for many years came along and did the honours with the cake cutting and got to meet new members of staff and committee.

Chairman Allen Rose-Land with Joan Smart, Izzie and Amelia-Rose

We even made the local press!

Our newly decorated Nappy changing area in a Woodland Theme. 

The textured walkway is always a big hit.

This was a popular activity, it's amazing what you can do with cling film.

Fun with cling film

Fun with cling film

All Aboard!!! The Children all got on the train and the driver said she was taking them to the museum!

Lots of fun, medals and concentration as the children took part on our indoor obstacle Course.

Lots of fun, medals and concentration as the children took part on our indoor obstacle Course.

The finished product. Our Christmas Tree decorated by all of the children.

Decorating the Christmas Tree together

Decorating the Christmas Tree

Decorating the Chirstmas Tree 

Just because the rest of the country have snow doesn't mean we have to miss out. The children had great fun making some great flour angels.

What better way to warm up on a cold windy day. Homemade vegetable soup and bread rolls.

Making our bread rolls

Eating Our Homemade Soup and Bread Rolls

Rememberance, their own way. Painting Poppies

Our Mud Kitchen (Before the children had played with it)



Our Mud Kitchen

Lets see where our imagination takes us





we are baby birds on a nest

Bubble Wrap Painting (The Children really enjoy it)

Bubble Wrap Painting

Outside Area

Mark Making Tables

Role Play Area.


At Home

Sand Tray.


Weighing and Measuring.

Sensory Area

Ready for our planting activity

Watering in our Potatoes

Planting Together

Planting together

The Children made a tractor out of our straw bales

The Children made a boat made out of our straw bales

Climbing on the Straw Bales

The Very Hungry Catapillar display in the Story Corner

Painting the Very Hungry Catapillar

Enjoying the story of the Three Little Pigs on World Book Day

Puppet Show

Puppet Show

Exploring together in the quiet reading area.

Our Forest Lodge and slide.

Collecting Leaves November 2016

Powder Paint in the puddles on a Wet day

November 2016



Welcome back everyone!  We have spaces for 2 - 4 year olds, please contact us for more information or to come and have a look round the setting.

 This term runs from January 6th till April 3rd. February half term holiday is 17th - 21st 

***30 Hour Funding***

For more infomation or to see if you are eligible please visit the childcare choices website by following the link below

Childcare Choices

Our toddler group is having a break until further notice.  If you have any interest in the group, please get in touch.

Please help us to keep the setting safe.


We understand children all have mild colds at this time of year, but if they have more severe symptoms, please keep them off.  If they have had sickness or diarrhoea, they must stay off for 48 hours after the last episode.

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Marham Village Pre-school Play with a purpose